Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Good Fight Good Night!

Dispite the suprisingly poor turn-out of just 4 players tonight, being myself, Alan, Mart and (oh crap I can't remember his name, I want to say Mike or Lee but just don't know), I enjoyed 2 games against different cryx casters.  My first game was a battle box game vs Mart who was using Denegra with those stupid bone chickens and the slayer jack.  I won the first turn and decided to try a tactic I picked up on youtube.
This game ended in a turn 3 assasination by Kreoss popping his feat and knocking everyone down and double tapping immolation through the arc node on the revenger.

The second game against sky marshal anonymo, was a 12pt game vs Goreshade.  This game was a real chess match, trading piece for piece in a battle of attrition.  In the final rounds I had a crusader with one box left which just happened to be an arm, one choir boy and a lightly damaged repenter.  I pulled out all the stops but in the end it was a series of bad dice rolls by my opponent that saved me. Kreoss with 3 health left put 3 focus on the repenter and kept 4, it was Kreoss himself that struck the final blow.

Good Games! 


  1. Hey! Dont call the chickens!! lol yeah you beat me good in that starter game, I think I will avoid the chickens in my proper list, they are a bit flimsey!

  2. Haha His name is Matt, I'd have though you'd remember your main opponents name by now ;-P.

    I'm not sold on the DOOMchickens either, they are quick and Arc Nodes are always fun but their own killing power leaves something to be desired (like some killing).

    I'm going to use a Nightwretch and maybe some of the new winged ones for a bit but I don't expect much. Their high defence is nice but plenty of things ignore it, most notably being knocked down ;-).

    Congrats on beating Matt.

  3. Personally my main list needs as much hittyness as pos as its quite infantry based and if I want jacks in their they need to be of the heavy kind anyway... the arc nodes are good for the 1st/2ndturn from the little I have played and lack substance to carry your plans in later turns. Maybe in big points list they are a good throw away unit - will have to see.
