Thursday, 23 June 2011

Another Warmachine Battle

Tonights game was against the same 12pt Cryxx army as the first game last night with the caster that summons more models and comes back to life with 1pt of health after you kill him.

Turn 1: Men, I got to go first and did the usual run moves and buffs. Cry, ran jacks, poped feat bringing more models and casting spell for stealth.

Turn 2: Men, 2 focus on crusader, 1 on repenter. Revenger moved into position to channel the 3" AOE at the summoned unit (shot missed when the caster activated), repenter also moved to the side to flame spray the summoned unit (I forgot about the benifits of the choir (Battle) and only killed one of the 5 under the template with a boosted to hit roll. Crusader moved into range saving focus for extra attacks on the summoned unit killing 3 leaving 2 summoned enemies left. Cry, Incorporial solo ran through the revenger ending in melee range of it for a 3rd turn charge at Kreoss, the 2 left from the summoned unit charged a choir boy and the repenter doing no or light damage. Enemy jack with a harpoon shot the crusader and pulled it in and proceeded to deal plenty of damage, next the second enemy jack charged in to finnish the crusader off, crippling movement and cortex but the weapons still intact. Finally the caster moved up on my right.

Turn 3: Men, under pressure I had to be bold, choir sang battle again and moved away, Revenger walked out of combat with the incorporial solo to attack one of the summoned models, taking no damage from the free strike, and killed it, repenter finished off the last of the summoned unit, the crusader in its death throes caused moderate damage to one jack with the open fist and causeing light damage to the other but scoring a crit fire hit setting it ablaze. Finaly Kreoss charged the incorporial solo with a bunch of focus and killing him, he then cast defenders ward on himself. Cry, the fire continued to cause damage to the jack crippling its right arm (sweet), 2 jacks moved up, one fired its harpoon at the revenger, but due to the defence 12 it missed by 1. the caster charged the repenter in the rear doing lots of damage crippling its movement and flame thrower.

Turn 4: Men, Three focus on repenter, choir sang battle on the repenter, revenger moved to within 8" for arc node. Kreoss advanced and poped his feat putting all enemies down, he then cast immolation at this familiar type model and missed (forgot she was nocked down). Finally the repenter activated and killed the enemy caster with 2 strikes, then killed him again with the final point of focus.

Yay, first win for the Menites. Good game!

1 comment:

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    Joel Houston
