Tuesday, 23 August 2011

More Warmachine Battles

Two more battles tonight vs Cryx, in both battles my opponent was Lux.  The first game was at 25 pts eKreoss vs the coven (three birds and one big ball).  The second game was a battle box game.

Game 1
Menoth to go first, usual running and spell casting, putting up chasten to prevent arc node attacks, Cry, same sort of thing.  This battle was another close one with both of us countering each others tricks and models until Lux threw in the towel after losing one of the coven.

Game 2 saw pkreoss vs pdenegra
Again menoth went first, jacks running and kreoss casting lamentation. Cry, usual first turn stuff.  Again this was another hard battle that ended with denny burning to death from the fire of the repenters flamer.

Good game!

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