The first game tonight was against the retribution player who gave me a good kicking last time we played, the second was against a player I have not played against before and did not get his name. Both games were played at 25pts however I could only field 24pts.
Game 1 vs Khador, killing fields scenario with disapearing objective. The Khador caster was Zerkova another caster I had not yet faced..
Turn 2, Men, errants ran to attempt to claim the right objective after the centre one vanished. gravus advanced into a counter charge position, bastions ran to the centre of the field and kreoss sent the jacks to the left to take care of the reavers. Kha, the great bears charged the senechal and killed him (I forgot about call to sacrifice), reavers charged the crusader and caused heavy damage. The rest of this game turned into a real slugfest, ending with my opponent conceding after his turn with his caster on about 1 health box after taking a single hit from a bastion and being surrounded by 3 more of them and a repenter.
Game 2 vs Mercs, scenario throwdown, the merc caster was one that gave his models a 3" move with pathfinder. The pirates proved to be a tricky lot with numerous different buffs given by solos, He as the first feat so I responded in kind killing all but a few pg's and taking care of his jacks with the crusader and the bastions. Even though I was in a strong position the game could not be finished due to time constraints and a rematch is on the cards for next week, lets see if I can continue with my recent run of good results against the pirates shananigans.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
2 more warmachine battles
On Sunday night ekreoss and his menite force took to the field to battle caine and then karchev. Both battles were moshpit scenario and menoth to go first in both games and to save space and time the first turns will not be covered. 35 points
Game 1: A bit concerned about this one as Luke was using a battle engine
Turn 2 Men, advanced the errant senescal and shot at the black 13th but missed, the errants shot at the guys with halberds and electro leap killing all but about 3 of them. The bastions took up positions and spread out, the repenter advanced and flamed a couple of the same guys, crusader advanced into position, gravus re-positioned himself to a reserve position. Choir advanced and sang no non magikal shooting, vassel put enliven on the crusader, kreoss upkept sacrosanct and invioble resolve and camped on 5 focus. Cyg, battle engine advanced and shot the bastions doing light damage and killing a mechanik with electro leap. Luke forgetting to alocate focus to his shooty jack did not help ether. the remaining halberdiers attacked the repenter taking out its cortex and flail, the black 13th shot at the errants killing them and being knocked down, his other heavy advanced, caine cast a spell on the heavy preventing models from charging it.
Turn 3 Men, I made this the feat turn but it turned out to be wasted, kreoss advanced and poped his feat after putting 3 focus on the crusader, crusader trampled toward the cygnar heavy for the extra 3 inches and hit it 3 times with his mace, the bastions advanced and killed the last of the halberdiers, enliven on the crusader, gravus charged the light shooty kack but was out of range. Cyg, storm caller moved and fried my errant senescal with lightning, battle engine shot at bastions again and the crusadre but missed and hit his own jack doing no damage, caine moved and popped his feat and did supprisingly little damage, his heavy hit the crusader which enlivened away.
Turn 4Men, time to end it since the only 2 cygnar models he had in the moshpit were the battle engine and his heavy. So to start the crusader slammed the cygnar heavy into the battle engine doing substantial colateral damage, the repenter moved round the side to attempt a spray at caine, the bastions charged the battle engine followed by kreoss who finished it off, then gravus charged the downed jack finishing it of using the souls from his dead comrades.
Game 3 vs karchev
This game did not last 3 turns as I conceded at the end of nicks turn 2 due to him killing both my jacks and 4/5 bastions with his 4 heavy jacks.
Good game guys, I'll have to go against that karchev list again sometime.
Game 1: A bit concerned about this one as Luke was using a battle engine
Turn 2 Men, advanced the errant senescal and shot at the black 13th but missed, the errants shot at the guys with halberds and electro leap killing all but about 3 of them. The bastions took up positions and spread out, the repenter advanced and flamed a couple of the same guys, crusader advanced into position, gravus re-positioned himself to a reserve position. Choir advanced and sang no non magikal shooting, vassel put enliven on the crusader, kreoss upkept sacrosanct and invioble resolve and camped on 5 focus. Cyg, battle engine advanced and shot the bastions doing light damage and killing a mechanik with electro leap. Luke forgetting to alocate focus to his shooty jack did not help ether. the remaining halberdiers attacked the repenter taking out its cortex and flail, the black 13th shot at the errants killing them and being knocked down, his other heavy advanced, caine cast a spell on the heavy preventing models from charging it.
Turn 3 Men, I made this the feat turn but it turned out to be wasted, kreoss advanced and poped his feat after putting 3 focus on the crusader, crusader trampled toward the cygnar heavy for the extra 3 inches and hit it 3 times with his mace, the bastions advanced and killed the last of the halberdiers, enliven on the crusader, gravus charged the light shooty kack but was out of range. Cyg, storm caller moved and fried my errant senescal with lightning, battle engine shot at bastions again and the crusadre but missed and hit his own jack doing no damage, caine moved and popped his feat and did supprisingly little damage, his heavy hit the crusader which enlivened away.
Turn 4Men, time to end it since the only 2 cygnar models he had in the moshpit were the battle engine and his heavy. So to start the crusader slammed the cygnar heavy into the battle engine doing substantial colateral damage, the repenter moved round the side to attempt a spray at caine, the bastions charged the battle engine followed by kreoss who finished it off, then gravus charged the downed jack finishing it of using the souls from his dead comrades.
Game 3 vs karchev
This game did not last 3 turns as I conceded at the end of nicks turn 2 due to him killing both my jacks and 4/5 bastions with his 4 heavy jacks.
Good game guys, I'll have to go against that karchev list again sometime.
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
More fun and games
The protectorate bloodied the battlefield twice tonight and both were brutal encounters. First up, a doubles game pitting menoth (epic kreoss as usual) and an unlikely ally in cygnar and siege, vs the brute force of khador with pbutcher and circle with kromac. The second game was against alan and his legion of monkyblight.
Game 1: Scenario, big circle in the middle, one point for controllong it, first to three wins or all opposing casters are dead, circle and khador to go first.
Turn 1
Usual moving and running
Turn 2
C+K, more advancing and positioning, some shooting fron khador at my cygnar ally the stalker took out the repenter and ran back out of the way. M+C, repenter ran to the very edge of the objective and in the face of a number of jacks and warbeasts stood its ground and raised its shield, gravus advanced into a better position to look for opportunities. siege began his shooting match with the khadorans, repenter, crusader and kreoss just advanced.
Turn 3
C+K, kromac sent his stalker out to eat gravus, who strayed a little too far forward, 'oh what big teeth you aaaaaahhh!!' this triggered warpath on the gnarlhorn which slammed the revenger out of the circle and was then wailed on by a khadoran heavy, suffering suprisingly light damage due to some bad dice and the arm 19. score 1-1. M+C, this turn we had to hit hard to kill as many warbeasts and jacks as possible so siege advanced, poped his feat and cast some spells doing dammage, then casting a spell that slammed one of the khadoran heavies into the gnarlhorn knocking them both down, the cygnar jacks shot the khador heavies almost to death. kreoss then joined in the fun by popping his feat and watching the carnage of stacked feats, the crusader beat the stalker to death, the revenger stood up and lived up to its name by finnishing off the khador heavy.
Turn 4
C+K, pbutcher joined the fray popping his feat and charging in to kill a cygnar jack on the objective clearing it ending the turn with a score of 2-1. M+C, both casters charged into butcher ending him but exposing themselves dangerously, the crusader ran to get in the face of the crusader to force him to fight or risk a free strike.
Cir, with butcher dead kromac went feral and changed to beast form advanced away and evaded the free strike, then leapt to where siege and kreoss were stood, first targeting siege and killing him, he then popped his feat and began attacking kreoss leaving him with one health after numerous rolls of less than 6 on two dice. Men, Kreoss finished kromac with one swing of the justifyer after.
Thanks for the fantastic game guys I really enjoyed it.
Game 2
Not gonna be a long one this so here go's, another hard battle with a lot of killing on both sides, it was kreoss's feat turn however that changed the tide by killing the warbeasts. Alan went for the assasination attempt but failed, kreoss charged and missed with his charge attack but hit with the back-swing doing exactly 15 damage killing her.
Thanks for the game alan.
Game 1: Scenario, big circle in the middle, one point for controllong it, first to three wins or all opposing casters are dead, circle and khador to go first.
Turn 1
Usual moving and running
Turn 2
C+K, more advancing and positioning, some shooting fron khador at my cygnar ally the stalker took out the repenter and ran back out of the way. M+C, repenter ran to the very edge of the objective and in the face of a number of jacks and warbeasts stood its ground and raised its shield, gravus advanced into a better position to look for opportunities. siege began his shooting match with the khadorans, repenter, crusader and kreoss just advanced.
Turn 3
C+K, kromac sent his stalker out to eat gravus, who strayed a little too far forward, 'oh what big teeth you aaaaaahhh!!' this triggered warpath on the gnarlhorn which slammed the revenger out of the circle and was then wailed on by a khadoran heavy, suffering suprisingly light damage due to some bad dice and the arm 19. score 1-1. M+C, this turn we had to hit hard to kill as many warbeasts and jacks as possible so siege advanced, poped his feat and cast some spells doing dammage, then casting a spell that slammed one of the khadoran heavies into the gnarlhorn knocking them both down, the cygnar jacks shot the khador heavies almost to death. kreoss then joined in the fun by popping his feat and watching the carnage of stacked feats, the crusader beat the stalker to death, the revenger stood up and lived up to its name by finnishing off the khador heavy.
Turn 4
C+K, pbutcher joined the fray popping his feat and charging in to kill a cygnar jack on the objective clearing it ending the turn with a score of 2-1. M+C, both casters charged into butcher ending him but exposing themselves dangerously, the crusader ran to get in the face of the crusader to force him to fight or risk a free strike.
Cir, with butcher dead kromac went feral and changed to beast form advanced away and evaded the free strike, then leapt to where siege and kreoss were stood, first targeting siege and killing him, he then popped his feat and began attacking kreoss leaving him with one health after numerous rolls of less than 6 on two dice. Men, Kreoss finished kromac with one swing of the justifyer after.
Thanks for the fantastic game guys I really enjoyed it.
Game 2
Not gonna be a long one this so here go's, another hard battle with a lot of killing on both sides, it was kreoss's feat turn however that changed the tide by killing the warbeasts. Alan went for the assasination attempt but failed, kreoss charged and missed with his charge attack but hit with the back-swing doing exactly 15 damage killing her.
Thanks for the game alan.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Hulll vs York tourney
Carnage littered many battle fields yesterday as Hull warmachine invaded York. It was a fun day despite the results, which went as I expected them to. My first game of the day was against pSkarre and a horde of infantry and for some reason we had to fight over two big circles in the middle of the field. This game started well as I began to destroy swathes of infantry at a time and was feeling confident, until skarre poped her feat cutting herself for 5. this was the turn that bastions started to die due to the +5 strength and my opponent managed to snatch a single control point which ended up winning the game for him due to the "dice down" being called during my retaliation turn, much to my annoyance.
Gaame 2 was a bit of a mirror match as my opponent was using pkreoss, a nasty list with 2 rekoners and 2 vassels. This mission was a very strange one as to score a control point your caster had to be within 4" of a small flag near the edge of the board and control a large circle in the centre. This game began much in the same way with me killing much of my opponents army. The only mistake I made was trying to shoot the 2 rekoners with the errants crossbows in an attempt to trigger enliven, when I should have just charged them in. Anyway, after I killed lots on my feat turn to control the centre I found kreoss to be 0.5" or less from the edge objective so no control points for me. My opponent responded with an assasination run on pkreoss's feat turn, killing ekreoss with the remaining rekoner after causing some damage with an errant.
Game 3 had me vs skorne, a faction I have played against once before (but was against a bit of a noob). Against this vet I simply got owned by stupid tactics that yoyo'd a nasty charachter across the field to kill loads and run back without fear of free strikes or retaliation next turn. This game also ended with an assasination with a bronzeback slamming my vanquisher, knocking down kreoss and finnishing him off with the same silly character as the first turn.
Game 4, skourne again (joy), different caster but same sort of dirty tricks, game ended dice down before I could even get a turn 3 in, with my opponent again scoring only a single control point to claim the win.
by the end of the 3rd game it had stopped being fun, mainly due to people just going for the caster kill instead of going for the scenario, leaving me feeling much like a whipping boy for vets with their lists specifically built to go for caster kills (not very sportsman like if you ask me), which beggs the question: What is the point in even playing scenarios when this is the case? We may aswell have just played assasination games and had done with it. However I felt better once it was all over, sharing a car home with three other players that lost all four games to and having a good laugh about it all.
Gaame 2 was a bit of a mirror match as my opponent was using pkreoss, a nasty list with 2 rekoners and 2 vassels. This mission was a very strange one as to score a control point your caster had to be within 4" of a small flag near the edge of the board and control a large circle in the centre. This game began much in the same way with me killing much of my opponents army. The only mistake I made was trying to shoot the 2 rekoners with the errants crossbows in an attempt to trigger enliven, when I should have just charged them in. Anyway, after I killed lots on my feat turn to control the centre I found kreoss to be 0.5" or less from the edge objective so no control points for me. My opponent responded with an assasination run on pkreoss's feat turn, killing ekreoss with the remaining rekoner after causing some damage with an errant.
Game 3 had me vs skorne, a faction I have played against once before (but was against a bit of a noob). Against this vet I simply got owned by stupid tactics that yoyo'd a nasty charachter across the field to kill loads and run back without fear of free strikes or retaliation next turn. This game also ended with an assasination with a bronzeback slamming my vanquisher, knocking down kreoss and finnishing him off with the same silly character as the first turn.
Game 4, skourne again (joy), different caster but same sort of dirty tricks, game ended dice down before I could even get a turn 3 in, with my opponent again scoring only a single control point to claim the win.
by the end of the 3rd game it had stopped being fun, mainly due to people just going for the caster kill instead of going for the scenario, leaving me feeling much like a whipping boy for vets with their lists specifically built to go for caster kills (not very sportsman like if you ask me), which beggs the question: What is the point in even playing scenarios when this is the case? We may aswell have just played assasination games and had done with it. However I felt better once it was all over, sharing a car home with three other players that lost all four games to and having a good laugh about it all.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
More pre-tournament practice
Two games tonight, the first was against a player who I've only seen once before, last time I saw him he was fielding mercs but this time he had retribution. The second was against another of the guys (who's name I dont know) who is going to York and his cygnar (seige).
Game 1:25pts I did not fancy my chances one bit against this opponent, knowing he is a vetran player and using a faction I had not faced before. So I expected to get my ass handed to me quickly.
Round 1, Same old story, moving casting spells blah blah blah.
Round 2, ret, In this turn my opponent began systematicaly destroying my errants, this game stopped being fun as I found myself just removing models and being in no position to counter. Men, attempted to burn a solo with a stupid 4" melee range and was out by 1", I also threw away my feat with only one bastion getting any benefit which was undone next turn as the damage was healed.
Round 3: Ret, things going from bad to worse, my opponent could smell blood and went in for the kill, there was me thinking kreoss will be ok hiding behind that crusader, turns out I was wrong, very wrong, lirrle did I know his caster had acrobatics and arcane assasin(thats right you heard me), so the 3 focus I kept on kreoss meant nothing and the game ended there.
Game 2: Not looking forward to this one much ether, I've heard plenty of horror stories about siege, and this was a tournement list, where I was playing with what I had at hand and a couple of pieces borrowed from nick.
Round 1: You know what happens.
Round 2:Cyg, all kinds of tricks, shooting and spell casting and taking objectives. Men, choir sang battle to give the repenter and the crusader +2 +2, enliven on the crusader. Errants shot at the infantry on the objectives killing only a coulpe, the repenter advanced and flamed the infantry in a foxhole killing three. Gravus charged in killing more infantry and contesting an objective, the crusader advanced to within 6 of ol rowdy and took the counter charge, taking damage and triggering enliven to get me within 4" of another objective and continued to smash ol rowdy causing heavy dammage which was finished off by the bastions.
Round 3:Cyg, siege brought the pain this turn by popping his feat, it basicly gives everyone armour piercing attacks for their first attack. This took out my repenter and left the crusader on about three boxes left, the bastions also took significant damage and just to rub salt into the wounds eyris (or however you spell it) shot kreoss to stop him getting focus. Men, in retaliation I decided to advance kreoss and pop his feat catching siege in his control area, one lone bastion made it to siege and killed him in two hits.
Good game.
Game 1:25pts I did not fancy my chances one bit against this opponent, knowing he is a vetran player and using a faction I had not faced before. So I expected to get my ass handed to me quickly.
Round 1, Same old story, moving casting spells blah blah blah.
Round 2, ret, In this turn my opponent began systematicaly destroying my errants, this game stopped being fun as I found myself just removing models and being in no position to counter. Men, attempted to burn a solo with a stupid 4" melee range and was out by 1", I also threw away my feat with only one bastion getting any benefit which was undone next turn as the damage was healed.
Round 3: Ret, things going from bad to worse, my opponent could smell blood and went in for the kill, there was me thinking kreoss will be ok hiding behind that crusader, turns out I was wrong, very wrong, lirrle did I know his caster had acrobatics and arcane assasin(thats right you heard me), so the 3 focus I kept on kreoss meant nothing and the game ended there.
Game 2: Not looking forward to this one much ether, I've heard plenty of horror stories about siege, and this was a tournement list, where I was playing with what I had at hand and a couple of pieces borrowed from nick.
Round 1: You know what happens.
Round 2:Cyg, all kinds of tricks, shooting and spell casting and taking objectives. Men, choir sang battle to give the repenter and the crusader +2 +2, enliven on the crusader. Errants shot at the infantry on the objectives killing only a coulpe, the repenter advanced and flamed the infantry in a foxhole killing three. Gravus charged in killing more infantry and contesting an objective, the crusader advanced to within 6 of ol rowdy and took the counter charge, taking damage and triggering enliven to get me within 4" of another objective and continued to smash ol rowdy causing heavy dammage which was finished off by the bastions.
Round 3:Cyg, siege brought the pain this turn by popping his feat, it basicly gives everyone armour piercing attacks for their first attack. This took out my repenter and left the crusader on about three boxes left, the bastions also took significant damage and just to rub salt into the wounds eyris (or however you spell it) shot kreoss to stop him getting focus. Men, in retaliation I decided to advance kreoss and pop his feat catching siege in his control area, one lone bastion made it to siege and killed him in two hits.
Good game.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Practice Game
A 35pt warm up game tonight saw eKreoss head to head with kromac and his circle forces in a gaining ground scenario with circle going first.
Turn one was the usual for both armies, running, casting spells and animi. The vanquisher ran and the vassel used ancillary attack to fire the condemner shot which hit the ravagors causeing some damage and setting 4 of them on fire.
Turn 2, Cir, charging with the ravagors and shooting with the javlin throwing birds took out some bastions and an errant, leaving one of them knocked down due to sacrosanct. Men, having sucked the opposing units into range kreoss advanced and popped his feat, sitting on 4 focus, bastions jacks and errants charged, killing the revagors and javlin chicks (with help from the repenters spray) taking a point for controling the centre area.
Turn 3, Cir, counter assaults with the stalker causing heavy damage to the vanquisher (before remembering enliven from the vassel. some stone protector tree thing sprayed a bastion and couple of errants killing them.Men this turn was spent killing the stalker, attacking kromac and failing, also attacking the big goat looking beast.
Turn 4, Cir, this turn saw kromac commit himself, dealing plenty of dammage killing numerous bastions and wrecking the vanquisher (since I forgot to use the vassel for enliven).Men, My second wave of weapon masters and kreoss piled in on kromac, however it took kreoss with his armour piercing attack to take out kromak, after taking control of the opposing area. Ending the game with 4 control points and caster kill. Its always good to see caster vs caster to decide the outcome of a game.
Finally managed a win against luke.
Good game man,that was epic
Turn one was the usual for both armies, running, casting spells and animi. The vanquisher ran and the vassel used ancillary attack to fire the condemner shot which hit the ravagors causeing some damage and setting 4 of them on fire.
Turn 2, Cir, charging with the ravagors and shooting with the javlin throwing birds took out some bastions and an errant, leaving one of them knocked down due to sacrosanct. Men, having sucked the opposing units into range kreoss advanced and popped his feat, sitting on 4 focus, bastions jacks and errants charged, killing the revagors and javlin chicks (with help from the repenters spray) taking a point for controling the centre area.
Turn 3, Cir, counter assaults with the stalker causing heavy damage to the vanquisher (before remembering enliven from the vassel. some stone protector tree thing sprayed a bastion and couple of errants killing them.Men this turn was spent killing the stalker, attacking kromac and failing, also attacking the big goat looking beast.
Turn 4, Cir, this turn saw kromac commit himself, dealing plenty of dammage killing numerous bastions and wrecking the vanquisher (since I forgot to use the vassel for enliven).Men, My second wave of weapon masters and kreoss piled in on kromac, however it took kreoss with his armour piercing attack to take out kromak, after taking control of the opposing area. Ending the game with 4 control points and caster kill. Its always good to see caster vs caster to decide the outcome of a game.
Finally managed a win against luke.
Good game man,that was epic
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
More Warmachine Battles
Two more battles tonight vs Cryx, in both battles my opponent was Lux. The first game was at 25 pts eKreoss vs the coven (three birds and one big ball). The second game was a battle box game.
Game 1
Menoth to go first, usual running and spell casting, putting up chasten to prevent arc node attacks, Cry, same sort of thing. This battle was another close one with both of us countering each others tricks and models until Lux threw in the towel after losing one of the coven.
Game 2 saw pkreoss vs pdenegra
Again menoth went first, jacks running and kreoss casting lamentation. Cry, usual first turn stuff. Again this was another hard battle that ended with denny burning to death from the fire of the repenters flamer.
Good game!
Game 1
Menoth to go first, usual running and spell casting, putting up chasten to prevent arc node attacks, Cry, same sort of thing. This battle was another close one with both of us countering each others tricks and models until Lux threw in the towel after losing one of the coven.
Game 2 saw pkreoss vs pdenegra
Again menoth went first, jacks running and kreoss casting lamentation. Cry, usual first turn stuff. Again this was another hard battle that ended with denny burning to death from the fire of the repenters flamer.
Good game!
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Sunday Gaming
3 more warmachine games today at 26 pts, still not my ideal list but here it is: eKreoss, crusader, revenger, repenter, min choir, mechanik, min errants, max bastions.
Game 1 vs Khador (pButcher) with 3 heavy jacks (1x Berserker and 2 juggernought) 1 man-o-war min unit, and some widowmakers.
This game was mostly about positioning which ended on ekreosses feat turn with an assasination by two charging bastions after everything else did as much damage as possible.
Game 2 vs Mentoth (pSeverius) This game against Nick started quite poorly for me with the middle of the three objectives dissapearing with no real way for me to win by scenario. With this in mind I decided to go for an assasination attempt on turn two with the repenter, the two focus on it were saved for sevie and I managed to kill an errant, a vassel and gorman de-wulf. With the boosted attack and damage rolls I dealt 10 damage to him and set him on fire, which did not expire and the following damage roll killed him.
Game 3 vs Circle (Kromac) Against Luke again with his annoying javlin throwers, and other annoying beasties. This was a gauntlet game that went from bad to worse as first the errants were killed, then the bastions, leaving me with very little to hit with on feat turn and also left kreoss in range of kromac and only sitting on 2 focus. Result, kreoss went down to kromac again.
Good game guys!
Game 1 vs Khador (pButcher) with 3 heavy jacks (1x Berserker and 2 juggernought) 1 man-o-war min unit, and some widowmakers.
This game was mostly about positioning which ended on ekreosses feat turn with an assasination by two charging bastions after everything else did as much damage as possible.
Game 2 vs Mentoth (pSeverius) This game against Nick started quite poorly for me with the middle of the three objectives dissapearing with no real way for me to win by scenario. With this in mind I decided to go for an assasination attempt on turn two with the repenter, the two focus on it were saved for sevie and I managed to kill an errant, a vassel and gorman de-wulf. With the boosted attack and damage rolls I dealt 10 damage to him and set him on fire, which did not expire and the following damage roll killed him.
Game 3 vs Circle (Kromac) Against Luke again with his annoying javlin throwers, and other annoying beasties. This was a gauntlet game that went from bad to worse as first the errants were killed, then the bastions, leaving me with very little to hit with on feat turn and also left kreoss in range of kromac and only sitting on 2 focus. Result, kreoss went down to kromac again.
Good game guys!
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Last Nights Gaming
It was a good turn out last night at Hulls Angels Warmachine Wenesday, with a variety of factions from both systems. My only game was against Drax and his troll bloods at 30pts which gave me an oppertunity to field my brand new unit of Bastions. I dont know the name of the troll blood caster but his feat caused d6 damage to anything that used focus in his control area. I used eKreoss.
Drax won the dice off and took the first turn
Turn 1: TB, things ran, cast animi, were poked with rusty spoons and other stuff.. Men, choir sang no non-magic shooting, Saxon Orik gave pathfinder to errants and advanced behind cover, errants advenced into woods and took some potshots at warbeasts to no effect, crusader and repenter ran, revenger advanced behind them. Kreoss advanced and cast sacrosanct on the errants.
turn 2: TB, 2 main things I can recall about this turn, Drax forgot to activate one of his units (on his left flank) and he used his heavy warbeasts to shoot at the errants, killing a couple and being knocked down. Men, 2 errants shot at his troll carrying a big rock and made it self sacrifice twice to stay alive, the repenter advanced and flamed the same one to kill it with no others within 3", drax failing all his tough rolls apart from one. Orik advanced to the edge of the woods and shot at his unit on the left doing nothing. Kreoss up kept sacrosanct, cast invioble resolve on the repenter to make it arm 19 to recieve the charge of the warbeasts.
Turn 3: TB, 2 of the 3 warbeasts took the bait and charged the repenter and it took both to wreck it, the other warbeast stood up and shot again at the errants killing one and being knocked back down. (or was it this turn he forgot to activate that unit? I dont know). Men, in order to protect me from the tb casters feat I advanced kreoss and popped his feat, the bastions took out one of the beasts, the crusader and repenter took out another and one of the remaining errants attacked the prone warbeast. Orik charged the unit that was out of the way and killed one. Mechanik heald the cruader that took 6 damage after using two focus to boost damage rolls.
Turn 4: TB, drax was in a pickle this turn being two beasts down and went for a hail mary kind of move by charging his caster into the crusader doing only light damage, not much else happened. Men, time to end the game, everyone that could went for his caster and killed him but it took the crusader, revenger and kreoss on 6 focus to do it after deax made about 5/6 tough rolls in a row.
Good Game Drax!
Drax won the dice off and took the first turn
Turn 1: TB, things ran, cast animi, were poked with rusty spoons and other stuff.. Men, choir sang no non-magic shooting, Saxon Orik gave pathfinder to errants and advanced behind cover, errants advenced into woods and took some potshots at warbeasts to no effect, crusader and repenter ran, revenger advanced behind them. Kreoss advanced and cast sacrosanct on the errants.
turn 2: TB, 2 main things I can recall about this turn, Drax forgot to activate one of his units (on his left flank) and he used his heavy warbeasts to shoot at the errants, killing a couple and being knocked down. Men, 2 errants shot at his troll carrying a big rock and made it self sacrifice twice to stay alive, the repenter advanced and flamed the same one to kill it with no others within 3", drax failing all his tough rolls apart from one. Orik advanced to the edge of the woods and shot at his unit on the left doing nothing. Kreoss up kept sacrosanct, cast invioble resolve on the repenter to make it arm 19 to recieve the charge of the warbeasts.
Turn 3: TB, 2 of the 3 warbeasts took the bait and charged the repenter and it took both to wreck it, the other warbeast stood up and shot again at the errants killing one and being knocked back down. (or was it this turn he forgot to activate that unit? I dont know). Men, in order to protect me from the tb casters feat I advanced kreoss and popped his feat, the bastions took out one of the beasts, the crusader and repenter took out another and one of the remaining errants attacked the prone warbeast. Orik charged the unit that was out of the way and killed one. Mechanik heald the cruader that took 6 damage after using two focus to boost damage rolls.
Turn 4: TB, drax was in a pickle this turn being two beasts down and went for a hail mary kind of move by charging his caster into the crusader doing only light damage, not much else happened. Men, time to end the game, everyone that could went for his caster and killed him but it took the crusader, revenger and kreoss on 6 focus to do it after deax made about 5/6 tough rolls in a row.
Good Game Drax!
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Warmachine Battle Report
Ok so the forces of menoth were out in force again tonight in two games.
Game 1
Opponent: Luke, using Circle and some mental warlock. I don remember the whole game however It started very well for the menites as I managed to kill one of the heavy warbeasts on feat turn and damaging the other. I was feeling comfortable with the distance between the two casters which proved to be my un-doing, as his knocked down caster shook it off with fury and leapt across the board and proceeded to wail on kreoss, sitting on no focus, and getting the caster kill (so much for the scenario).
Game 2
This game was a battle box game between Cygnar and Menoth, my opponent for this was Matt Escritt. This game was a real war of attrition and having to deal with earthquake made things difficult, but this game ended with my crusader throwing a light jack at Stryker, followed by a spray attack from the repenter and an immolation from kreoss to kill him.
Good game on both accounts, I'll get you yet luke!
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Bad news
Sadly there will be no more blog entries for a while as I have to move house and find work. But stay tuned as I will be back on as soon as I can.
Peace out!
Peace out!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Good Fight Good Night!
Dispite the suprisingly poor turn-out of just 4 players tonight, being myself, Alan, Mart and (oh crap I can't remember his name, I want to say Mike or Lee but just don't know), I enjoyed 2 games against different cryx casters. My first game was a battle box game vs Mart who was using Denegra with those stupid bone chickens and the slayer jack. I won the first turn and decided to try a tactic I picked up on youtube.
This game ended in a turn 3 assasination by Kreoss popping his feat and knocking everyone down and double tapping immolation through the arc node on the revenger.
The second game against sky marshal anonymo, was a 12pt game vs Goreshade. This game was a real chess match, trading piece for piece in a battle of attrition. In the final rounds I had a crusader with one box left which just happened to be an arm, one choir boy and a lightly damaged repenter. I pulled out all the stops but in the end it was a series of bad dice rolls by my opponent that saved me. Kreoss with 3 health left put 3 focus on the repenter and kept 4, it was Kreoss himself that struck the final blow.
Good Games!
This game ended in a turn 3 assasination by Kreoss popping his feat and knocking everyone down and double tapping immolation through the arc node on the revenger.
The second game against sky marshal anonymo, was a 12pt game vs Goreshade. This game was a real chess match, trading piece for piece in a battle of attrition. In the final rounds I had a crusader with one box left which just happened to be an arm, one choir boy and a lightly damaged repenter. I pulled out all the stops but in the end it was a series of bad dice rolls by my opponent that saved me. Kreoss with 3 health left put 3 focus on the repenter and kept 4, it was Kreoss himself that struck the final blow.
Good Games!
Friday, 24 June 2011
Warmachine Pics
Check out my Warmachine page for some pics of what I have painted so far.
The experience of painting white from my Luna Wolves army did come in handy for these minis.
The experience of painting white from my Luna Wolves army did come in handy for these minis.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Another Warmachine Battle
Tonights game was against the same 12pt Cryxx army as the first game last night with the caster that summons more models and comes back to life with 1pt of health after you kill him.
Turn 1: Men, I got to go first and did the usual run moves and buffs. Cry, ran jacks, poped feat bringing more models and casting spell for stealth.
Turn 2: Men, 2 focus on crusader, 1 on repenter. Revenger moved into position to channel the 3" AOE at the summoned unit (shot missed when the caster activated), repenter also moved to the side to flame spray the summoned unit (I forgot about the benifits of the choir (Battle) and only killed one of the 5 under the template with a boosted to hit roll. Crusader moved into range saving focus for extra attacks on the summoned unit killing 3 leaving 2 summoned enemies left. Cry, Incorporial solo ran through the revenger ending in melee range of it for a 3rd turn charge at Kreoss, the 2 left from the summoned unit charged a choir boy and the repenter doing no or light damage. Enemy jack with a harpoon shot the crusader and pulled it in and proceeded to deal plenty of damage, next the second enemy jack charged in to finnish the crusader off, crippling movement and cortex but the weapons still intact. Finally the caster moved up on my right.
Turn 3: Men, under pressure I had to be bold, choir sang battle again and moved away, Revenger walked out of combat with the incorporial solo to attack one of the summoned models, taking no damage from the free strike, and killed it, repenter finished off the last of the summoned unit, the crusader in its death throes caused moderate damage to one jack with the open fist and causeing light damage to the other but scoring a crit fire hit setting it ablaze. Finaly Kreoss charged the incorporial solo with a bunch of focus and killing him, he then cast defenders ward on himself. Cry, the fire continued to cause damage to the jack crippling its right arm (sweet), 2 jacks moved up, one fired its harpoon at the revenger, but due to the defence 12 it missed by 1. the caster charged the repenter in the rear doing lots of damage crippling its movement and flame thrower.
Turn 4: Men, Three focus on repenter, choir sang battle on the repenter, revenger moved to within 8" for arc node. Kreoss advanced and poped his feat putting all enemies down, he then cast immolation at this familiar type model and missed (forgot she was nocked down). Finally the repenter activated and killed the enemy caster with 2 strikes, then killed him again with the final point of focus.
Yay, first win for the Menites. Good game!
Turn 1: Men, I got to go first and did the usual run moves and buffs. Cry, ran jacks, poped feat bringing more models and casting spell for stealth.
Turn 2: Men, 2 focus on crusader, 1 on repenter. Revenger moved into position to channel the 3" AOE at the summoned unit (shot missed when the caster activated), repenter also moved to the side to flame spray the summoned unit (I forgot about the benifits of the choir (Battle) and only killed one of the 5 under the template with a boosted to hit roll. Crusader moved into range saving focus for extra attacks on the summoned unit killing 3 leaving 2 summoned enemies left. Cry, Incorporial solo ran through the revenger ending in melee range of it for a 3rd turn charge at Kreoss, the 2 left from the summoned unit charged a choir boy and the repenter doing no or light damage. Enemy jack with a harpoon shot the crusader and pulled it in and proceeded to deal plenty of damage, next the second enemy jack charged in to finnish the crusader off, crippling movement and cortex but the weapons still intact. Finally the caster moved up on my right.
Turn 3: Men, under pressure I had to be bold, choir sang battle again and moved away, Revenger walked out of combat with the incorporial solo to attack one of the summoned models, taking no damage from the free strike, and killed it, repenter finished off the last of the summoned unit, the crusader in its death throes caused moderate damage to one jack with the open fist and causeing light damage to the other but scoring a crit fire hit setting it ablaze. Finaly Kreoss charged the incorporial solo with a bunch of focus and killing him, he then cast defenders ward on himself. Cry, the fire continued to cause damage to the jack crippling its right arm (sweet), 2 jacks moved up, one fired its harpoon at the revenger, but due to the defence 12 it missed by 1. the caster charged the repenter in the rear doing lots of damage crippling its movement and flame thrower.
Turn 4: Men, Three focus on repenter, choir sang battle on the repenter, revenger moved to within 8" for arc node. Kreoss advanced and poped his feat putting all enemies down, he then cast immolation at this familiar type model and missed (forgot she was nocked down). Finally the repenter activated and killed the enemy caster with 2 strikes, then killed him again with the final point of focus.
Yay, first win for the Menites. Good game!
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
More Warmachine madness
Three more 12pt games of warmachine tonight at Hulls Angels. The first two were against Cryxx, the first time playing against Cryxx so I was not sure what to expect. I was using pKreoss, a Repenter, a Revenger and a Crusader, supported by a choir. I cant remember the casters used by my opponent, but the feat brought a unit onto the board. In this game Kreoss went down at about turn 3/4 due to sneaky shananigans with spells allowing units (namely a jack) to move through enemy models, getting a charge and ending the game.
Game two was against the same opponent but different caster who's feat reduces all stats by 2. In this game I put up a better fight but still lost to the more experienced opponent. Good game.
Game three was against Luke the organiser of Warmachine Wednesday, again being more experienced than I am, I was expecting to get owned again. Luke was using his Cygnar with Caine as his caster. After the last battle against him I was well aware of what Caine could do. I won the first turn this game and took it, the turn was the usual running with the jacks after using the choir to grant them passage and Kreoss then moved and cast defenders ward on the Repenter. Luke did pretty much the same thing.
Turn 2: Men, one focus on the Repenter, the rest went on Kreoss. The choir activated first and sang Battle on the jacks, Revenger advanced forward in an attempt to use immolation through its arc node which turned out to be out of range, the repenter activated next advancing and hitting both enemy jacks causing light to no damage but setting them on fire. The crusader advenced a little to support the repenter. Kreoss went last, moved and put defenders ward on crusader. Cyg, I cant remember much of Cyg turn 2 except two jacks charging the repenter and taking out his right arm and movement.
Turn 3 Men, choir sang battle again, with one focus on the Revenger it charged an enemy light jack and did moderate damage staying just over 1" away using reach. Next Kreoss advanced and poped his feat knocking all enemies down, he then cast immolation through the arc node on Caine and boosted the damage looking for the caster kill. However it was not meant to be as I rolled 1 damage short of the kill. The repenter still with its working flamer burned the two enemy jacks causing light damage and causing fire. The Crusader with 2 focus charged the downd light jack, caused lots of damage and then used its last point of focus to pick up and throw the light jack at Caine but it scattered away from him. The thrown jack was destroyed and caused no further collateral damage. Cyg, mostly things getting back up, however Caine used a focus to shake knockdown, moved and poped his feat, killing all of the choir and putting light damage on the jacks and moderate damage with a good roll against Kreoss. This was followed by Caine using his regular shooting helped with a bunch of focus, shot down Kreoss again.
This game was great fun and as close as you can get, good game Luke, I'll get you one day!!!!
Game two was against the same opponent but different caster who's feat reduces all stats by 2. In this game I put up a better fight but still lost to the more experienced opponent. Good game.
Game three was against Luke the organiser of Warmachine Wednesday, again being more experienced than I am, I was expecting to get owned again. Luke was using his Cygnar with Caine as his caster. After the last battle against him I was well aware of what Caine could do. I won the first turn this game and took it, the turn was the usual running with the jacks after using the choir to grant them passage and Kreoss then moved and cast defenders ward on the Repenter. Luke did pretty much the same thing.
Turn 2: Men, one focus on the Repenter, the rest went on Kreoss. The choir activated first and sang Battle on the jacks, Revenger advanced forward in an attempt to use immolation through its arc node which turned out to be out of range, the repenter activated next advancing and hitting both enemy jacks causing light to no damage but setting them on fire. The crusader advenced a little to support the repenter. Kreoss went last, moved and put defenders ward on crusader. Cyg, I cant remember much of Cyg turn 2 except two jacks charging the repenter and taking out his right arm and movement.
Turn 3 Men, choir sang battle again, with one focus on the Revenger it charged an enemy light jack and did moderate damage staying just over 1" away using reach. Next Kreoss advanced and poped his feat knocking all enemies down, he then cast immolation through the arc node on Caine and boosted the damage looking for the caster kill. However it was not meant to be as I rolled 1 damage short of the kill. The repenter still with its working flamer burned the two enemy jacks causing light damage and causing fire. The Crusader with 2 focus charged the downd light jack, caused lots of damage and then used its last point of focus to pick up and throw the light jack at Caine but it scattered away from him. The thrown jack was destroyed and caused no further collateral damage. Cyg, mostly things getting back up, however Caine used a focus to shake knockdown, moved and poped his feat, killing all of the choir and putting light damage on the jacks and moderate damage with a good roll against Kreoss. This was followed by Caine using his regular shooting helped with a bunch of focus, shot down Kreoss again.
This game was great fun and as close as you can get, good game Luke, I'll get you one day!!!!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
First Warmachine Battle

So I had my first game of Warmachine tonight, the faction I have chosen to play is The Protectorate of Menoth. Tonights game was a 12 point battle using the starter box which contains High Exemplar Kreoss, a Revenger light jack, a Crusader heavy jack and the other jack (cant remember the name) with flamer and flail. I also had a Choir. My opponent was the organiser of Warmachine wednesday (also forgot his name), he was using Cygnar, I dont know his list but his caster was kaine (I think).
Round 1: Cygnar went first, the first turn for both players just involved alot of running and buffing.
Round 2: Cyg, lots of shooting at my buffed Crusader jack causing relatively light damage, Then his jack attacked my crusader again causing light damage. Men, Choir moved and then buffed the crusader with +2 to attack and damage rolls (i forgot this also). Advanced the revenger on the left, then the flamer jack moved and fired at the jack in the bushes causing minor damage but setting it on fire. Next Kreoss moved forward, poped his feat (knocking all enemies in his control zone down) and cast a 3" AOE spell at another jack causing some damage and setting it on fire, Finally the Crusader attacked the jack it was in combat with and left it with one box left.
Round 3: Cyg, with people on the floor and fire burning my opponent went for the throat, activating his caster, moving and firing his pistols at Kreoss, after using all his focus took him out and won the game.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Back to Fantasy
Ok so I'm going to work some more on my Warriors of Chaos army for a while, painting new models and re-painting some old ones. Check out my warhammer fantasy page for some pics.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
The Wyrd is Coming!
Keep an eye on this blog and follow the creation of my next army. The Space Wolves, a simple 1000pt mech list:
Rune Preiest, wolf tooth necklace, saga of the beast slayer, chooser
2X grey hunter squads 5 strong w melta, las plas razorbacks
1X 6 strong hrey hunter squad w melta, rhino
3 Wolf guard, 2X frost blades, 1X SS, 1X combi melta, 1X storm bltr, 1X TH
Fast Attack
2X land speeders, 1X Multi-melta, 1X hvy bltr
Heavy Support
5 long fangs 1 sqd leader, 5X missle
Rune Preiest, wolf tooth necklace, saga of the beast slayer, chooser
2X grey hunter squads 5 strong w melta, las plas razorbacks
1X 6 strong hrey hunter squad w melta, rhino
3 Wolf guard, 2X frost blades, 1X SS, 1X combi melta, 1X storm bltr, 1X TH
Fast Attack
2X land speeders, 1X Multi-melta, 1X hvy bltr
Heavy Support
5 long fangs 1 sqd leader, 5X missle
Sunday, 1 May 2011
More To Come
Ok so check out the pics I have just put up on my BA page, more content should be posted in the coming months so keep your eyes peeled.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Sorry about the inactivity
So, I have not been up to much in the way of painting lately but I have been gaming and should have a few more battle reports on my youtube account over the next few days. The rest of my time has been taken up with university work.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
2k Game BA's vs IG
A fun game to be sure dispite the losses of useful units like the stormraven and furioso, the mission was capture and control, deployment was DoW. IG took the first turn, my first mistake came on turn 1 when I forgot to bring most of my forces on. The main battle took place in the center of the IG line as I looked to destroy my opponents troop choices. The battle was going my way but due to my lust for blood I left the enemy objective un-claimed which stopped me from taking the win as the game ended turn 5.
BA objective not claimed
IG objective not claimed
Game result: Draw
BA objective not claimed
IG objective not claimed
Game result: Draw
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Interesting ideas
Ok so with the release of the Grey Kinghts codex creeping ever closer and the roumor mill suggesting that there wll be lots of psychers and psychic abilities. Together with probable plastic kits coming out, I had the idea of making a pre-heresy thousand sons army. The idea behind the army is that it will be easily played as many space marine chapters, offering a lot of flexibility and fun. There is also a good chance that I will sell it too after a short while.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Close but no cigar
Well after a long wait I finally another tournament under my belt. The first game of the day was against a dual lash list. All was going to plan regarding set up and deployment, as I got the 2nd turm and reserved everything. Deployment was DOW and mission was cap and con. After 5 turns of fighting the blood angels were victorius by controling their own and contesting the enemys. The stormraven didn't do much this game, killing wise, but it did help me control my objective.
Game 2 was spearhead deployment and sieze ground with 5 objectives. My opponent was using an ork army containing 2 warbosses on bikes in 2 units of nobz on bikes. Usual set up for me, reserve everything. Right at the start the furioso did what it does best. After only stunning a battle wagon the turn it arrived it was assaulted in my opponents turn, 2 units of boys, 1 10 strong 1 15 strong. The furioso killed about 9 boyz from the 15 strong unit and taking no damage in return, both units broke and fled off the board. It also destroyed the battle wagon and a killa can and immobilising another before being wrecked. Game ended turn 5 with BA's holding 3 objectives to the orks 1.
Game 3 was pitched battle, anniahlation. Another ork opponent, again a warboss on bike with nobz on bikes, 6 killa cans 1 def dred, 2 battle wagons and more. this game was bloody and hard. The BA's
were on the back foot after loosing 2 kill points in one go as my furioso in drop pod scattered off the table and I rolled a 2 on the mishap table. My fixation on killing my opponents def dread cost me Dante and the SG. A lesson learned there I feel. after the game ended the score was 9 to 6 in favour of the orks.
This was a fun day for me and I look forward to getting back in the fight asap. Dispite my first 2 wins my over agression in the last game cost me a place in the finals at wakefield. But know this, I will not be denied again!
Game 2 was spearhead deployment and sieze ground with 5 objectives. My opponent was using an ork army containing 2 warbosses on bikes in 2 units of nobz on bikes. Usual set up for me, reserve everything. Right at the start the furioso did what it does best. After only stunning a battle wagon the turn it arrived it was assaulted in my opponents turn, 2 units of boys, 1 10 strong 1 15 strong. The furioso killed about 9 boyz from the 15 strong unit and taking no damage in return, both units broke and fled off the board. It also destroyed the battle wagon and a killa can and immobilising another before being wrecked. Game ended turn 5 with BA's holding 3 objectives to the orks 1.
Game 3 was pitched battle, anniahlation. Another ork opponent, again a warboss on bike with nobz on bikes, 6 killa cans 1 def dred, 2 battle wagons and more. this game was bloody and hard. The BA's
were on the back foot after loosing 2 kill points in one go as my furioso in drop pod scattered off the table and I rolled a 2 on the mishap table. My fixation on killing my opponents def dread cost me Dante and the SG. A lesson learned there I feel. after the game ended the score was 9 to 6 in favour of the orks.
This was a fun day for me and I look forward to getting back in the fight asap. Dispite my first 2 wins my over agression in the last game cost me a place in the finals at wakefield. But know this, I will not be denied again!
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Stormraven done
Check out my finished stormraven. Or at least for now anyway, the armour plates still need blending, but that an wait until after the tournament.
Monday, 31 January 2011
The Blood Angels descend once more
The Blood angels made planet-fall last night to eliminate a rebellious Imperial guard war host. 2000pts, sieze ground, dawn of war. IG went first I reserved everything, opponent brought all his stuff on in turn 1, my drop pod with blood talon furioso came in on my opponents flank behind a russ and imobilised it. My speeder and attack bike turbo-boosted behind cover.
Turn two, opponent moved toward some objectives and shot a battle cannon at the speeder and attack bike taking te speeder down, everything else that could, shot at the dread doing nothing. My turn 2 dante and the SG arrived with a unit of assault marines on the IG left flank behind the other russ and exploded it with infernus pistols, a tac squad in rhino moved flat out to behind cover and on and objective, then sat back to read the paper. Another assalt sqd with SP dropped in my half of the board and ran. The talon furioso took the battle cannon from the russ.
Turn 3 IG did some shooting but inflicted no major losses. I started the combats, wiping out some roug riders and a heavy weapons squad and finally wrecked the russ on the right flank.
turn 4 opponent assaulted with Strachan and his hq aided by another squad of guard. This combat lasted until the end of the game. The IG had some effective shooting taking out assault marines but that was the extent of the damage. My blood talon furioso assaulted a unit of guard, killing them all before running out of attacks. In the middle I multi assaulted 3 units with the remnants of the assault sqd, an attack bike and full SG with dante, i killed lots but they did not brake due to commisar.
Game ended at the end of turn 5 as my opponent had 1 russ, a guardsman fighting a dread and one unit of guard fleeing towards the blood talon furioso.
BA win 2 objectives to 0.
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Dan Abnett Book signing in Leeds
Ok so today I took a trip to Leeds with some friends to get some things signed by Dan Abnett. Here are some pics:
We also gave our names for possible cannon fodder in one of his future books.
We also gave our names for possible cannon fodder in one of his future books.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
40k Nation
I am now a member of 40k Nation and am looking to start a 40k nation club chapter for Hull and East yorkshire. Anyone wishing to become a member of the Hull and East Yorkshire chapter should visit and register,then enter a post on the appropriate thread.
Monday, 3 January 2011
Construction continues
Check out the titan foundry for update photos of my warhound titan.
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